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Loan Policy
3-week loan period for everything, except: Art prints, which may be borrowed for 6 weeks. DVDs, which may be borrowed for 7 days.
A total of 12 DVDs may be checked out on a patron's card at one time.
You can check out everything EXCEPT reference material, newspapers, microfilm, and the newest magazine issues.
You can have 35 items on your card at one time.
You are responsible for returning your items on time, whether or not you receive courtesy reminders or overdue notices.
Most items will automatically renew for five additional loan periods, as long as no one has requested them.
Extended use fees are 20 cents per day per item for adult materials; 10 cents per day per item for children's and young adult materials.
Maximum overdue fines are $2.00 per item.
You must have your library card with you in order to check out materials and use the public Internet computers.
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District does not accept the return of Henderson Libraries' materials. They also ask that patrons return Las Vegas-Clark County Library materials to any of the Las Vegas-Clark County Libraries.